Enchanted Jones, a 17-year-old girl who dreams to become a singer but lacks the funds, meets 28-year-old Korey Fields during a singing audition. Being one of the few black students from her high school, she feels responsible to make her siblings and parents proud.
I finished this audiobook in 2 days because I was so invested in the story and as it was unfolding, it began to sound like "Surviving R. Kelly". I loved its rawness and the way the author portrayed the difficulties that underage girls face when their voices aren't heard by the authorities or loved ones, despite multiple accusations and evidence. This book is a must-read because it shines a light on how easily teenagers can become victims of sex trafficking and the many red flags that one should be on the lookout for.
It is extremely frustrating, and heartbreaking the way Enchanted is trapped and deceived by a much older guy who abuses her mentally and physically. The story also highlights how most victims are believed to come from broken homes but that isn't always true. Korey is a manipulator that dragged Enchanted into a world she wasn't expecting and does things she didn't foresee when he had initially painted the idea of helping Enchanted become a famous singer.
I'm glad the author showed how others express themselves when they are in disbelief that a teenager can be abducted and brainwashed, all done unwillingly even though on the outside it may appear that the teenager purposefully did it. Enchanted was sold on a future singer career and a relationship with Korey but eventually, she realized he was drugging her and just using her.
The story raises awareness of black girls being groomed by manipulators and the lack of credibility from the authorities.
Tons of TW: suicide, sexual abuse, mental illness, pedophilia, rape, manipulation, grooming.
Rating: 5
Format: Audiobook
Author: Tiffany D. Jackson
Genre: Young Adult